Thursday, 12 June 2014

Brain Highways: The Vestibular System

A great little video describing vestibular dysfunction. It is aimed towards parents whose child might be displaying such signs. However it is really accurate and a great video to show friends and family for better understanding.


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

It's a beautiful sunny morning

It's a beautiful sunny morning here in Wales which always lifts my spirits. A bright sunny day always reduces my symptoms a little compared to a dull and dark day. I don't know why? maybe it's because I am dependent on my vision to balance me rather than my wonky vestibular system and the brightness allows me to see more clearly and sharply. I don't know, I am probably talking a load of rubbish but a sunny day definitely helps me.

I feel a little better again these past few days after having a week or so of increased motion, imbalance and head fog etc. So today I woke up and decided a 25 min workout was in order. I have just finished my workout and am drenched in sweat. I have said it before but I really don't know how I manage to push myself to workout feeling the way I do. I get into a press up position and the floor bends and arcs in front of me, I do numerous burpees and I am sure you can imagine the push/pull/falling sensations I experience as well as the visual jerking and rotation of the room around me. It's disorientating. It's difficult but I get a real sense of accomplishment after each workout knowing that I beat my broken vestibular system into the ground. You would think that my brain or whatever is wrong would just get used to all the movement that I have punished it with and correct whatever needs correcting.

I have also been doing some yoga which involves holding body poses in inhuman ways. Balance is everything when it comes to yoga but my brain will not adapt. I can hold a pose with effort but once I stand up and finish my workout my head is still heavy and the world is still swaying. Doctors will tell anybody with a vestibular issue to move around as much as they can and retrain the brain. It's frustrating as I have always moved and tested myself from day one. I have put myself in every contorted position known to man and walked miles and miles over the years but here I am still battling daily.

I am eating strict except for the sneaky little bag of peanut M&Ms that keep showing up. I allow myself to have several a day and that is all. They are actually sitting by my side as I type calling my name but I won't give in as I don't treat myself till the evening. I worked out on an empty stomach so it's time for breakfast which will be a bowl of porridge made with oat water and I will add some fresh blueberries and strawberries.

Keep pushing on
