Friday, 13 March 2015

Do I feel sick all of the time?

The other day a family member asked me if I feel sick all of the time because of my dizziness. They are not the first to ask me this. I replied that I am very fortunate that I do not feel sick all of the time. His response? A bemused, confused facial expression. I was sorry to disappoint. I don't blame him since how on earth would he know what a chronic vestibular disorder feels like,for me anyway.

In fact feeling sick has never been a huge issue during my dizzy years. Now don't get me wrong there are moments here and there when I will suddenly become extremely nauseous. I could be combing my hair and EEK! I have to stop and sit down and breathe or I could be talking to somebody, concentrating hard and without warning EEEEK! the sick alarm rings and off I scurry to find somewhere airy and cold.

During my early dizzy years I would feel sick half hour here and half hour there a couple of times a week but never had to actually be sick. I just accepted it and never made it a big deal. There are three things however that I tend to avoid since being dizzy and they are big TV screens, video games and cinema screens. These three things are pretty certain to accentuate every dizzy symptom I have making me a watery mouthed nauseous wreck. Even scrolling on my smartphone can make me queasy. The motion on screens can leave me feeling wretched for hours after. The nausea is sudden and strong. I write about this lovely subject because only the day after I was asked if I feel sick because of the dizziness I played a game on the xbox for 5 minutes and felt revolting. I realised that I do feel sick more often than I thought.

I think people assume that because I am dizzy then I should be vomiting every single second of the day because thats what they would expect me to do or expect themselves to do.The fact is I do not feel like I am going to vomit all of the time and I am happy about that. There are moments I turn bright green or more accurately ghost white but one would expect to living with a vestibular disorder.
