Friday, 5 February 2016

Hi guys

It's been a while since I last posted so its time to share with you whats going on in my dizzy world. I wish I could tell you some positive news about how I've finally have found a cure but that will have to wait.

I have been taking betahistine(Serc) these past two weeks and was excited to try it since I have read about other vertigo sufferers success with this medication. It has done nothing for me unfortunately. Such a disappointment as I was hoping that it would at least mask my symptoms somewhat considering it's an anti vertigo drug and my main problem is vertigo. At least now I know that it isn't for me and I can move on and seek other alternative anti vertigo medication to try.

I also saw a new GP 5 weeks ago who also specializes in migraine. He was a lovely chap who listened to my history and seemed very keen in my case. We talked about my current medications and how he wanted to try me on different medications and that he will get me better. I left the office feeling optimistic that this man understood my dilemma and that the next time I would see him a plan of action would commence.

That next time was today. I may as well have been talking to a complete stranger. He opened with "How can I help you"I was like WHAT!!!. He had totally forgotten our first interaction. I had to then repeat my story all over again,discuss my medications all over again, have in office neurological examination (for the hundredth time) all over again. Its so tiring.

I understand that doctors are busy and have to deal with hundreds of different faces and health issues everyday but having to tell the same story to different doctors,specialists,friends,family for 8.5 years over and over and over again is just tedious,frustrating and completely disheartening. All I want is someone to actually listen to me and take my life altering balance disorder seriously. I don't need any more in-office neurological exams,What I need are different medications to try. If one does not work try another. If that does not work try another, if that combination of medication does not work then try another combination. I am open and willing to try anything. I have only ever been given two medications(my current meds) in the best part of a decade.

The good news is he wants to see me again and is willing to try different medications( Hmm, I have been promised this before) and refer me to another specialist in the future. So guys the vertigo ridden journey continues.
