Tuesday, 9 May 2017

No Breakthrough yet

Hi guys

I hadn't realised it had been so long since I let you know how things were going with the topiramate that I have been taking for my dizziness and vertigo. It's been a little over 4 months now that I have been taking it slowly increasing the dosage to 125mg daily and can honestly say I have not really had any breakthrough yet. I will say that for the last three days I am having a steadier, clearer time of things but if you have read my blog and know a little of my experience and my vertigo hell you will know from time to time I get these random moments or days were my symptoms become less intense before they kick off again. So I am not currently thinking it's the topiramate that has caused this steadier time as for last 4 months I have been pretty much the same heavy headed, unbalanced swimmyhead I always am.

I was doing very well as far as having no side effects from the topiramate that was until I hit 125 mg. About a week in I noticed my sense of taste and smell completely vanished and has not come back. I have already lost my sense of balance I don't fancy losing another two senses. I have a trip to the doctors anyway next week so that will be discussed. Maybe it's time to try something else. In fact I personally feel it's time to head down a completely different route, away from the vestibular migraine diagnoses. There are many reasons as to why I am feeling this way. I will leave that for another post. There is lots I need to talk about with him. It's 10 years this month that this all happened to me. I don't want to do another 10.

Take care guys
