Hi Guys
If you have read my last post a few weeks ago you will know that I am currently increasing my dosage of Gabapentin from 600mg to 1800mg. I am in my second week at 1500mg and next week will be upping the dose to 1800mg and then it's back to see the doctor. I wish I could tell you guys that I have seen some huge improvement but truthfully I have not felt any benefit whatsoever. In fact I feel worse. I am taking these medications because it's thought I have vestibular migraine and so Gabapentin is used as a
migraine preventative but increasing the dosage has given me more mild headaches and the heaviness and fullness in my skull that I always ramble on about is in overdrive. Once I hit the 1200mg mark my head became so sensitive to any little movement I make. I mean it's always sensitive to movement but it seems that I am back to feeling the way I did years ago. The
head pressure is full on at all times increasing every other symptom have. Turning my head and bending down or looking up is met with that heavy pulling and pushing sensation. The
unsteadiness whilst walking or simply standing still has increased yet again. The sensation of the floor sliding beneath me or lifting me up and down is relentless and my vision issues such as the foggy, static like haze I see the world through is heightened as have the other
vision problems like tracking motion making me feel like I am falling and the visual sway of the environment even more pronounced. I won't even begin on the lethargy.
I have considered decreasing my dosage back down to 600mg which I had been taking for nearly 4 years but I am so close to reaching the maximum dosage that I feel I must continue. At least then I will know with absolute certainty that this is not the drug for me ( I guess I know this already). I don't want to look back with a "what if" I had just went a little further.
So there you go guys no luck I'm afraid. It is a huge disappointment for me. I truly hoped that a higher dosage would be beneficial but sadly not. I have always felt like my
vestibular migraine diagnoses was not quite right. After all my
dizziness/vertigo condition is 24/7 from the moment I open my eyes to the moment I go to sleep. I have lived this altered and limited life for over 9 years now day in day out. How can a migraine last 9 years? I never experienced
headaches my whole life before the
vertigo attack that left me this way. The fact this
migraine treatment has done absolutely nothing for me makes me further doubt my
vestibular migraine diagnoses. Not to mention I followed a strict
migraine diet for years with no improvement. I am a little lost to say the least.
My doctor said that there are other medications to try so it looks like that is the way forward for now but honestly I think It's time to wipe the slate clean and start over again. Surely it's time to re evaluate my situation. Since 2007 and 2016 I have had only a few standard vestibular tests and they were way back in 2009. I have been left to deal with this serious condition for nearly a decade day after day with no real help at all. What do I do?