Friday, 15 November 2013

Here comes the Asylum

It has not been a bad few days I am happy to say. My vertigo is moderate and I am able to potter about pretty well as long as I avoid turning too quickly, then a sudden jerk of the environment will occur but all in all not bad.

Call me insane but I have been missing my daily Insanity workout that I completed a few weeks back so I have decided to jump head first into the next Insanity workout volume called Insanity the ASYLUM. It is more sports training and focuses on motor coordination and balance aswell as strength and cardio. An agility ladder comes with the dvd set and you use this to focus and improve speed,agility, Motor coordination and balance.

Now I can honestly say that this workout series looks hardcore. I am hoping this will be beneficial to my vestibular system. I am at a place now where I can workout and I will continue what I like to call my extreme form of vestibular rehabilitation. It is 30 days long and I swear I will complete it.

Now I certainly DO NOT recommend that anyone with vestibular dysfunction go and perform such extreme workouts. I myself could not have done any such thing for the first 5 years of my disorientated hell but due to time or medication or both I don't know, I can work through my vertigo most days. Sure I pay for it and it is really hard performing the moves as I still cannot move as quickly as I would like but I am at a place vertigo intensity wise that I can endure the vertigo.

I think I have said it before but the reason I am doing this is because I have completed the standard VRT many times over through the years to no avail and I am simply fed up living like this. I swear I will fix my wonky vision and spinning brain and as you can see I am willing to try anything at this point.

I actually filmed myself working out one day and when I played it back I saw just how normal and healthy I look to everybody else. I mean no wonder people look at us with confused disbelief. The man in the video looked fit and able with not a problem in the world. I just wish that this was the reality. Unfortunately the reality is that the guy in the video has been seriously depressed because of having to endure a never ending level of disorientation that has simply robbed him of living life for 6.5 years. The guy in the video is doing all he can and suffering the consequences of these workouts to simply get better and feel normal again.

Keep pushing on.


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