Saturday 5 September 2015

A difficult 10 days

Hi guys

The last 10 days or so have been difficult. I have been experiencing a horrible level of dizziness yet again. It's full on from the moment I wake up until I eventually nod off at night. I have an inkling of what may have increased my dizziness and vertigo back to this all consuming level it is called WHEY PROTIEN. Now I cannot say with absolute certainty that this is the culprit as my vertigo tends to reach disorientating levels every so often but if migraine is the cause of my vertigo then I really should not have been drinking Whey protein shakes.

Whey protein,whey protein isolate,whey protein concentrate etc should not really be part of a migraine elimination diet but since I work out I thought I could try it and see how it goes. Well all was good for a week or so and BOOM the internal swaying and visual swaying and the slow tracking vision came back full force and I have been in a different world for the past 10 days or so. I am back to those horrible sudden sensations of falling or dropping when all I am doing is sitting still. Back is the bouncy castle floor and the full buzzing head pressure that stops me from turning or moving my head with any kind of speed. I did stop drinking the whey protein a week ago but the calmer intensity of my symptoms eludes me.

Here is a website that is useful for people trying to stick to a migraine diet and avoiding MSG.There is a huge list of ingredients and names that manufacturers use that have or may have MSG (monosodium Glutamate).


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