Tuesday 29 December 2015

Christmas shenanigans

Hi Guys

Hope you have had a lovely Christmas. I have actually been quite brave this December making myself leave the house and have an evening out with friends TWICE. It was nice to be out mingling with the world as it's been some time. The first night out a couple of weeks back was a success as it happened to fall on a less dizzy day but my second evening out with friends on Christmas eve proved to be more demanding on the wonky vestibular system but I did it and enjoyed it. It was cool bumping into older friends I have not seen in years, they thought I had dropped off the face of the earth. However the evenings shenanigans must have took a tole because Christmas day was the dizziest day I have had in some time.

Its strange because on one hand I was really happy to be out feeling like a normal human being but at the same time I felt sadness over what I have missed out on over these years. All the good times and memories I could have had with friends and family were not meant to be. Anyway I have told myself that 2016 is the year I do more of this kind of thing when I feel up to it. I won't hide away any longer.

So there you have it. I have been to a christening and had two nights out all in the space of a month. It has to be the most adventurous month I have had in 8.5 years. Not once was I vertigo free but I managed. It has taught me not to get so nervous about gathering or events in the future. When my symptoms are all consuming then I obviously cannot attend such events which really P***** me off because at my age I should be in control of my life and be able to go out when I want and do as I please but sadly there is little control in life when you have a chronic vestibular disorder.That being said I do have days when my symptoms are less intense and I must take advantage of these moments in the future.Getting out and mingling and being part of the human race every once in a while can only be a good thing

Happy Christmas guys

keep pushing on


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