Saturday 7 January 2017

Started My New Medication

Hi Guys

I have begun my new medication Topiramate also known as Topamax. I took my very first 25mg tablet this past Monday meaning I am six days in. Thankfully I do not feel any negative side effects as of yet. This coming Monday I will be doubling the daily dose so who knows but so far everything is ok. I am finally off of the Gabapentin and luckily experienced no side effects even though I had been taking it daily for over 4.5 years. As some of you know I did take my time reducing the dosage and stopping so I guess that has helped and is a wise thing to do.So the plan is to try and increase the Topiramate over time whilst continuing to take it in combination with my nortriptyline daily.

I have to say I am a little concerned about the new drug because I did a Google search which one should never do and read some side effect horror stories but fortunately I also read some very inspiring success stories. People who had been chronically dizzy and off balance for years who eventually found relief using Topiramate (Topamax). I am trying to focus on those. By all accounts it's an effective drug but can be a little difficult to tolerate so dosage must be increased gradually overtime. I have read that it takes at least 3 months to start working once an effective dosage is attained. So I must discuss this with my doctor on my next visit. I want to do this properly, not too quickly and assume it doesn't work.

Overall I feel exactly the same as ever. No worse and no better. Still dizzy, full pressured head and swaying but it's only 6 days in and considering my body will be adapting to no more gabapentin and getting used to the new medication in my veins I would say that is alright with me.

I am praying I can be another Topiramate success story since 20017 will mark 10 years of living with this hellish balance disorder and I quite fancy a break.

Below is a link to a Topiramate (Topamax) success story. This person had been chronically ill with balance and dizziness issues for years all day every day like myself. This gives me hope and hopefully inspires you guys.

Keep fighting guys



  1. تعتبر شركة ركن كلين من اولى الشركة التى له اسما فى مجال خدمات التنظيف بالرياض نحن # افضل شركة تنظيف فلل بالرياض . سجاد .كنب .. نحن لدينا احدث المعدات لجلى وتلميع السرميك وافضل المنظفات التى تستخدم فى مجال التنظيف الشامل بالرياض ، اذ كانت تبحث عن شركة تنظيف له اسما عريق ولديها الخبره فى التنظيف عليك الاتصال على شركة ركن كلين لخدمات التنظيف بالرياض اذا كانت تبحث عن المعدات والاجهزه والاسعار المناسبه لك على التوصل مع شركتنا لان لديها عروض خاصه واسعار مناسبه لكل عملاء.
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