Friday, 16 May 2014

A sense of balance

It's been a week since my last post and I am pleased to say that my head is still maintaining some sense of balance. It really has been a very rare week indeed.. I think the only other time I have felt this steady for this long was sometime last year when I felt a significant improvement for a full 2 weeks. I am hoping and praying that this time something will stick. If my condition stayed at this level of dizziness then getting better seems possible. Keeping my fingers crossed.

In last post I mentioned a sudden whistling that has appeared in my right ear. It has been pretty annoying so I did a little research and found that wax in the ear could cause temporary tinnitus. I did not think I had wax in my ear as it did not feel blocked or muffled but all the other symptoms are present such as itchiness,tinnitus and slight earache. I also read that headphone use can cause wax to build up (I wear headphones everyday to make music or listen to music and watch tv etc) and that wearing ear plugs can cause the same problem (I insert ear plugs every night to go to sleep). So, I decide to buy some olive oil yesterday and see if anything improved. I am glad to say it did. The whistling stopped for a solid five hours. It came back a little less prominent last night but today has been great thus far. I will continue using the olive oil drops this week and hopefully the damn tinnitus will be gone.

Oh, I nearly forgot to say tat this past two weeks have been a little experiment of sorts regarding my food. Not only have I reintroduced eggs into my diet but I also scoffed 2 small chocolate cakes last week and am through my second bag of peanut M&Ms. As you know chocolate, eggs and peanuts are part of the avoid list on the migraine diet but so far so good.  Headaches have been few and far between recently. I guess that is why I feel somewhat better. I just hope the M&Ms and chocolate cakes don't come back to haunt me. I do feel a little guilty eating all this chocolate but I still workout everyday and burn it off.

I hope you guys are having better days, if not just keep pushing on and believe that better days will come. I still cling on to that hope every time I go tumbling back down into the disorientating hell that is vestibular dysfunction.


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