Wednesday, 29 January 2014

A little better

Finally my vertigo has tamed a little. I am not completely overwhelmed by it. Sure it's still ever present but I'll take it compared to the last 2-3 weeks of hell. I will admit I was not  a big believer in the migraine diet, I really couldn't see how food might effect my vertigo but I have changed my mind. Since the weekend I have gone MSG(Monsodium Glutamate) mad. I have scanned every packet and food product in the house and have avoided anything that contains or appears to contain MSG. It makes eating a little boring but it's better than feeling like c*** all day everyday. I have been eating original Shredded wheat in Oatly milk or Porridge with Oatly milk  for breakfast and fresh turkey and lettuce on plain bagels for lunch. My dinners have been based on vegetables.

Am I vertigo free (hell no) but symptoms have come down in intensity. Ya know this whole vertigo thing is confusing and tiring. I still am not sure why the vertigo increases some weeks and why others it's a little tamer. If I exercise I am dizzy, if I don't exercise I am dizzy. When I eat right I am dizzy, when I don't eat right I am dizzy. If I take medication I am dizzy and if I don't  take medication I am dizzy. I am simply dizzy all of the time and cannot put my finger on what helps and what doe's not.

I think eating correctly appears to help or maybe my symptoms reducing alongside me changing my diet is pure coincidence, I don't know? I guess I have to say the medication has helped since I was completely non functional for 4 years or so before I was prescribed anything. It's difficult to say because I still have a great deal of vertigo to contend with even on my better days. The fitness workouts I have been doing have been great physique wise but it ain't retrained my wobbly brain.

Oh well there ya go, at least I am having some rest.


Monday, 27 January 2014

Monosodium Glutamate

When I was diagnosed with chronic vestibular migraine my consultant told me to avoid foods containing MSG (monosodium glutamate) and that i should stick strictly to a migraine diet. This i did or should say thought I did because after much research I have found that MSG seems to be in nearly every product in the supermarket. Even products clearly stating that there is no MSG present still may have MSG in them. The whole thing is confusing but the truth seems to be that many ingredients on the back of food items contain or produce free glutamate, the most active chemical of monosodium glutamate.

So for all you vestibular migrainers out there here is a link to an informative website that lists all of the common food ingredients found on the back of food products that contain processed free glutamic acid (MSG) -

I have learned that migrainers should avoid monosodium Glutamate in there diet. I will be even stricter in the future.


Friday, 24 January 2014

No Let Up

Well guys I am still feeling awful. There has been no let up regarding my symptoms. Yesterday my balance and visual motion took a further nosedive. Soon after followed a booming headache which has kept me awake most of the night as the pain intensified if I lay down. I'm fuzzy, foggy and heavy headed as I sit typing and the thought of getting up and pottering around the house today is something I will have to psyche myself up for. I am back to perceiving the world as if I have my mobiles camera attached to my eyeballs. I have slow and jerky vision. i can only describe it as If am missing frames as I walk and move. I hate this thing.

I am hoping that these past crappy weeks have been leading to this sudden painful headache and now that I have it,  my symptoms will begin to settle somewhat. These last couple of weeks have probably been the worst that I have had in a long time. I almost feel like I am back at square one. How can this be?

After a little over 6.5 years I am still having to feel like this. There is no consistency with these damn vestibular symptoms.

In the past I have briefly discussed how I have been sticking to the migraine diet and how I was not sure if it was helping me, yet over Christmas I decided to treat myself a little. I had a little chocolate, cheese and crackers, pizza, egg and yogurt and have continued to do so in small amounts. Now I feel the worst  have felt in ages. Maybe the strict diet I kept was helping after all. It's time to welcome back the migraine diet with open arms.

I am actually trying to eliminate all MSGs (monosodium Glutamate) from my diet but after more research into the subject it appears that it's in the majority of food we eat. It is pretty damn hard to avoid if not impossible.

I hope I will be posting a more positive blog soon, until then take care guys.


Monday, 13 January 2014

This past week has been pants

This past week has been pants. Not  a welcome start to the new year. I am sitting here typing this feeling crappy. I am overly motion sensitive and head is feeling full, achy and pressured. I am back to slow movements around the house and leaning on walls and things just to get some sense of balance. A friend of mine came to visit today and has just left. It was nice seeing him but the concentration involved whilst talking to him this past hour has put me over the edge. I simply start to zone out and my balance begins to go crazy if I am interacting or talking for a long period of time.I have absolutely no control over this. I am sure many of you reading this will understand.

I have the dentist this Friday and hope I improve somewhat before then because I am dreading having to walk into town, sit in the waiting room and then make my way to the dentists chair that will no doubt have me virtually upside down as my teeth are examined. Not a pleasant experience when one is suffering vertigo especially when it is going crazy as it has done this past week.

What can I do but endure.


Sue Hickey - Vestibular patient speaks to nursing students

Excellent talk given by Sue Hickey -

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Monday, 6 January 2014


Hi Guys

I hope you had a great Christmas and new year.  I certainly did and celebrated my 34th birthday on new years day. I cannot believe I am 34, I still have not got used to turning 30. Where are the years going?

Anyway it is a new year and I am absolutely driven to kick my chronic vestibular dysfunctions ass once and for all. This is the year I WILL get well. I will be off to see my specialist to get the appropriate ongoing treatment I need. I will continue to push myself physically by keeping to a regular workout regime and I will also maintain a good diet (migraine diet).

That said I did have a few sneaky chocolates this Christmas and also some cheese and crackers ( I love cheese). I have not eaten cheese or chocolate in nearly 2 years so I thought sod it. I did my best not to over indulge and to keep the portion size down.

Did I suffer migraines or an increase in vertigo because I ate the chocolate and cheese? I would have to say no. However I did indulge in a little alcohol over the festive period and new year and felt worse because of it.

So 2014 is the year I am going to get my life back and actually start living. I have to believe this. I know I sound like a drama queen to normal folk but it is you guys who also suffer with vestibular dysfunction who know what I am going through and how it impacts one's life on  a daily basis. You guys understand how much we crave and hope to feel well again to feel just like everybody else. It is you fellow sufferers out there that I blog for and when I finally get that normal day I will be here blogging about it and telling you exactly how I did it.

I hope 2014 heals us all
