Friday, 28 June 2013

Dizziness: What NOT to say to a Person living with Dizziness and Vertigo

  • Stop thinking about it so much
  • Get out more it will do you good
  • Is it really that bad?
  • You look steady to me (giggle)
  • I also felt dizzy for 5 min the other day
  • Could be worse
  • At least it won't kill you
  • What, you feel drunk all the time, It sounds like fun
  • There must be moments when you feel normal?
  • I know exactly how you feel
  • Is it psychological
  • I guess it's the best you will be
  • Learn to live with it
  • Chin up
  • I have migraine too
  • There is nothing else we can do for you
  • You are looking well
  • How are you today, better?
  • Are you just depressed?

There you go, some of the most annoying things you can say to a person living with chronic dizziness and vertigo. I have heard all of the above many time over the years. Some of which made me consider drop kicking their ass, lol.

In all seriousness the condition we suffer with is not only hard on us but on our friends and family. Comments like the above are not intended maliciously but are usually good natured. People don't know how bad we feel and cannot imagine an illness with such bizarre constant symptoms and why should they. I guess many of the above are said to motivate us and keep us positive through this tough time. They are not said to belittle us or make our situation seem trivial.

It is an invisible illness ( I look fit as a fiddle) so I can understand the bewildered look on people's faces when I tell them what I am going through, I mean it must be very hard for friends and family to understand and find the right things to say.

So if you ever hear any advice or comments similar to those above then I suggest you smile and shrug it off. What am I saying? I sound just as bad).

The best thing to do is smile, take 10 steps back and then dropkick their healthy ass!!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Dizziness and vertigo website

My website that I am slowly creating using the great tools provide. I am really enjoying the process and have some great ideas forming. It is early days so there is plenty to do aesthetically speaking and of course there is much more information and resources I want to add. I really hope that in time, I will eventually design a great looking website that is informative and helpful for other people who are living with dizziness and vertigo.

Better day today

Today has been better than the last few weeks. I mentioned in an earlier post that I have had a tougher time lately. The vertigo intensified and headaches have been more frequent. I have just had a headache for 3 continuous days. I have been going to bed with a headache and waking up with a headache.

Thankfully today the headache has past and what do you know my vertigo has tamed somewhat. The ache, heaviness and pressure a headache brings worsens balance and the illusion of movement dramatically. The visual fuzziness was full on last night so much so that the rooms in my house looked as if they were filled with smoke.

Anyway today has been better and the weather has been nice which always helps. Hopefully I can have a few more days at this more manageable level before my symptoms intensify again like they always do.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

I feel dizzy or do I?

When I first became ill, I had no clue about how to describe my symptoms or the powerful sensations of motion I was experiencing. I went to the doctor and simply told him I felt really dizzy. I did not know that what I was really experiencing was vertigo. I had always assumed that vertigo was a fear of heights anyway. Once I learned about vertigo and that it was vertigo I was suffering from, I began to use the term to describe my symptoms to friends, family and people who asked how I was. It quickly became apparent that they had no idea what I was talking about. So to keep things simple I would substitute the word vertigo and tell them I was really dizzy (most people can relate to feeling dizzy or lightheaded). I have to admit it pains me to this day to describe my relentless and often overwhelming symptoms simply as dizziness. Yes I am dizzy but vertigo dizziness is so much more than that.

 So I thought I would give you my understanding of both terms to help you better describe your situation:

Dizziness is a feeling of light-headedness or could be described as a "spaced out" sensation. An example of dizziness could be when you stand up too quickly and you become light headed and need a couple of seconds to compose yourself. You do not feel as though you or the world around you is moving. A nauseous feeling may accompany dizziness. A person may feel faint.

Is the illusion of motion inside your head and of the outside environment. Your surroundings feel and appear as if they are moving when in reality there is no movement at all. This movement can be violent. If you feel like me, you will experience a whole host of symptoms at any one time. You may feel as though you are spinning, falling, or being pushed and pulled. The world may appear to sway side to side or up and down, floors and walls may appear to bend or arc. The floor may feel like it's lifting you up and down or being dragged out from under you. You will also feel dizzy, light headed and "spaced out" The world may look like you are seeing it through the heat of a flame or from inside a goldfish bowl

I have often told friends and family that it is like I am permanently walking around wearing someone else's prescription glasses (imagine how uncomfortable that would be). I am sure everybody has at one time or another put on a family members or friends glasses only to see how distorted, bendy and wrong the world appears through them. Well my visual vertigo is similar to that but without the magnification. Add some intense constant motion to the mix and that is my world.

Here is  a link to a Youtube video about the difference between dizziness and vertigo:

I hope this helps the next time someone asks how you are feeling.


Sunday, 23 June 2013

Top 5 Things That Increase My Dizziness

  1. Tiredness
  2. Busy environments
  3. Dark or dull environments
  4. Noise
  5. Periods of long Concentration 
     I could make a top 20 list quite easily but I thought I would keep it short and sweet.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Waking up Feeling Tired

Before the Vertigo struck me way back in 2007 I never had sleeping problems. I would sleep eight hours and wake up with a spring in my step. That all changed with the onset of my balance disorder. For the first three years I had to sleep with my head upright every night as lying on either side would cause my world to spin, hell even keeping still and my head upright would cause my head to spin somewhat but it was my only option. I noticed that instead of waking up raring to go, I would wake up feeling tired all the time convinced I had just gone ten rounds with mike Tyson. This wasn't just a few morning here and there but every single morning year after year. I just felt exhausted.  One of the worst aspects of waking up with a vestibular disorder was and still is the fact that my vision bounces the very second I open my eyes, I cannot maintain my gaze in one place so the room appears as if it is moving and jerking. It's not a pleasant experience. I have to sit upright in order for the bouncing to calm somewhat. Once up, the next 30-60min of pottering around the house becomes a balancing act with vertigo, foggy head.

The reason I bring this up is because the past 12 months have given me some better days/weeks and mornings. The exercise I do and the new medication have helped. I now can sleep on either side and have been waking up with more energy and less tiredness with my constant symptoms being less intense throughout the day. The bouncing vision upon opening my eyes continues but it settles once upright.

However, this past few weeks I am waking up feeling like I have just done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson again. Exhausted with a foggy head and increased illusion of motion. Symptoms seemed to have ramped up and are more intense all day long. I am also going to bed with a slight headache and waking up with one.

The only reason I can think of for the tiredness and increase in my symptoms is that for the past few weeks I have been working on a creating a website daily, typing this blog, producing music all of which requires long hours in front of a computer screen, add to this the exercise I force myself to do. I think my vestibular system has been overloaded. To a normal person this probably sounds ridiculous but I tell you even the smallest amount of concentration spent by a dizzy person can increase their vestibular symptoms and quickly wear them out. Anyway, the tired stiff eyes ,headache and heaviness in the morning is more than likely because of the time spent staring at the computer screen. I think I will cut down and take a few more breaks which will hopefully result in better mornings and more manageable days again.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

My 10 Tips To help Dizziness

  1. Keep away from big screen TVs ( Fellow dizzies I know you understand)
  2. Maintain a regular sleep pattern (Doctors have always told me this)
  3. Limit alcohol consumption ( It makes many peoples symptoms much worse. Others find it has no effect on there dizziness. all I will say is a hangover is never fun especially when you also have to deal with dizziness and vertigo)
  4. If possible limit computer use ( computers can quickly increase the fuzziness and balance issues)
  5. Do some light exercise ( If your dizziness permits and you are able to do so)
  6. Try to keep emotions in check (It's hard when you have a vestibular disorder but anger and stress will increase the dizziness)
  7. keep to well lit environments ( dark/dull environments and bad artificial lighting such as fluorescent lights or just old fading light bulbs around the house can increase symptoms)
  8. Don't over do it (Be as active and as sociable as you can but trying to please everyone and running around here and there can certainly take it's toll)
  9. Limit your exposure to busy environments (city streets,supermarkets can increase disorientation fast for somebody with a vestibular disorder)
  10. Have time alone (If possible remove yourself for 30min from busy visual stimuli and noise. Find a quiet spot and relax and accept the dizziness)
Of course some of the above may be hard to achieve especially if you have a part time/full time job and are a mother or father with children to run around and mouths to feed.

So there you have it. My quick 10 tips to help dizziness

 My website Dizziness and Vertigo:

My twitter profile is @Swimmyhead

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

James Gandolfini Has Died

I cannot believe James Gandolfini has passed away at just 51 years of age. This news has saddened me. I am a huge Sopranos Fan. His portrayal of Tony soprano had me hooked on the show. Such a talented actor. One of the best Television shows ever created. R.I.P big man

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Another Fuzzy Day

It has been another fuzzy day so far, the dull weather has not helped. It never does. Strange how the weather seems to effect how intense the vertigo is. A bright sunny day is better for everyone especially a dizzy (well in my case anyway).

For over six years I have spent every waking second disorientated, living in a dizzy hell after waking up one morning to a sudden acute attack of spinning vertigo. Most who experience this terrifying ordeal make a full natural recovery usually within weeks. Unfortunately I did not. Instead I have had to live with severe balance, visual problems every second since. I know that may be hard to swallow but I swear I have not had one second of relief since that morning. It has been difficult to say the least.

I cannot believe this is my seventh summer still looking out at the world through fuzzy, bendy, distorted vision as if I have a permanent goldfish bowl placed over my head. Every summer since 2007 I have sat in my backyard and said to myself  "Ill be better next summer". That summer has yet to appear. However, a year ago I was finally diagnosed with Migraine associated vertigo. It took nearly 5 years to finally get this firm diagnoses as I have had everything from Bppv to Labyrinthitis etc.

So began a new treatment plan of migraine preventative medication, migraine diet, vestibular rehabilitation and light exercise. I am not jumping for joy just yet as I still have worse days and weeks and still have to deal with all the daily balance/visual symptoms but at a lesser intensity most of the time. For so long I had trouble just walking and standing so working out was never an option but now I can workout again. Sure, i have to force myself to workout as I am dizzy before I even begin but I push myself through it and have found it to help that heavy head feeling I have every morning.  I don't lift weights like I used to. Instead I perform some light cardio 3-4 times a week.

Thanks to the combination of exercise and a very strict (no Fun) migraine diet of NO chocolate ,caffeine, cheese, crisps, fresh bread, dairy, red wine and MSGs etc) I have lost nearly 40 pounds which feels great and is quite the achievement given the circumstances.  Over the first 5 years of relentless vertigo I piled on 40 pounds due to the amount of inactivity but I am proud to say it has dropped off resulting in a fitter, better looking 156 pound dizzy these days. I just wish the dizziness would fall off like the weight has.

Dizziness aside, I am contemplating what I should do this evening. I am a card magic lover and have done my daily practice today. I also have a small music studio as I love to remix and create music but have spent all weekend doing that and now my migraine brain and ears need a rest. Therefore it is a toss up between the finale of the third season of Game of Thrones (last episode was immense) or the show Hannibal. Actually, I think I might watch them both whilst practicing my card moves.


Monday, 17 June 2013


Well this is my first post on blogger in fact it is my first blog post ever and I have no idea what I am doing. Anyway, I should introduce myself. My name is @Swimmyhead (well not really but it is my online/twitter alter ego). I have been living with dizziness and vertigo for many years now and I am currently creating a simple site where I will share my own experience living with vertigo. It is a place to let fellow dizzies know that they are not alone and the way they feel is very real indeed. The site is not finished yet but I have already included some useful information ,links and videos about dizziness causes and dizziness treatment etc.

The address is:

My twitter profile is @Swimmyhead