- Stop thinking about it so much
- Get out more it will do you good
- Is it really that bad?
- You look steady to me (giggle)
- I also felt dizzy for 5 min the other day
- Could be worse
- At least it won't kill you
- What, you feel drunk all the time, It sounds like fun
- There must be moments when you feel normal?
- I know exactly how you feel
- Is it psychological
- I guess it's the best you will be
- Learn to live with it
- Chin up
- I have migraine too
- There is nothing else we can do for you
- You are looking well
- How are you today, better?
- Are you just depressed?
There you go, some of the most annoying things you can say to a person living with chronic dizziness and vertigo. I have heard all of the above many time over the years. Some of which made me consider drop kicking their ass, lol.
In all seriousness the condition we suffer with is not only hard on us but on our friends and family. Comments like the above are not intended maliciously but are usually good natured. People don't know how bad we feel and cannot imagine an illness with such bizarre constant symptoms and why should they. I guess many of the above are said to motivate us and keep us positive through this tough time. They are not said to belittle us or make our situation seem trivial.
It is an invisible illness ( I look fit as a fiddle) so I can understand the bewildered look on people's faces when I tell them what I am going through, I mean it must be very hard for friends and family to understand and find the right things to say.
So if you ever hear any advice or comments similar to those above then I suggest you smile and shrug it off. What am I saying? I sound just as bad).
The best thing to do is smile, take 10 steps back and then dropkick their healthy ass!!