Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Not Bad

It's been a pretty decent week I am glad to report. Symptoms have been much less severe most of the time. In fact my symptoms have been acting different. For the first 5 years symptoms were severe. In the last 2 years since taking medication my symptoms intensity have improved somewhat some of the time but will still tend to increase as the day goes by so that by evening I am good for nothing. However this week my symptoms are waxing and waning throughout the day. For a couple of hours I am much better then a little bit later the fuzzy vision and head pressure sets in and the motion intolerance begins only to improve yet again later in the evening or vice versa. I hope this is a permanent improvement and a positive sign. A sign that my brain,ears and eyes are finally trying to fight and talk to one another.

When my symptoms decrease to this more functional level  I feel like normality is within arms reach. I would say I function at around 7 out of 10 as opposed to a 3-4  out of 10. There is now a huge difference between my bad days and better moments. Of course I have yet to control and stop the bad days/weeks from recurring and am under no illusion that maybe in an hour from now or two days from now I will be sucked back to a disorientated hell. Maybe this time I'll be wrong (I hope so).


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