Saturday, 6 July 2013

Dizziness and vertigo Symptoms

I first saw this symptom list at It is a list of symptoms published by the Vestibular Disorders Association and it describes my experience perfectly. I have modified the list somewhat to better suit my situation. These symptoms can be overwhelming at times and are always present. I am sure many of you will relate.

Vertigo and dizziness
▪ True spinning vertigo attacks, Constant visual vertigo or whirling sensation; an illusion of movement of self and the world
Lightheaded, floating, or rocking sensation
▪ Sensation of being heavily weighted or pulled in one direction. Detached, spaced out feeling all of the time.

Balance Problems and spatial orientation issues
Imbalance, stumbling, difficulty walking straight or turning a corner. Floor feels like it is lifting me up and down when standing or walking
▪ Clumsiness or difficulty with coordination
▪ Tendency to look downward to confirm the location of the
▪ Tendency to touch or hold onto something when standing, Activity increases Imbalance
▪ Sensitivity to changes in walking surfaces or footwear

▪ Trouble focusing or tracking objects with the eyes; objects or words on a page seem to jump, bounce,
float, or blur or may appear doubled. Eyes feel stiff and slow
▪ Discomfort from busy visual environments such as traffic, crowds, stores, and patterns. Walls and floors appear to arc and bend
▪ Sensitivity to light, glare, and moving or flickering lights
▪ Tendency to focus on nearby objects; increased discomfort when focusing at a distance
▪ Increased night blindness; difficulty walking in the dark
▪ Poor depth perception, Bouncing vision whilst walking, Fuzzy, static like vision

▪ Fluctuating hearing
Tinnitus (ringing ears, roaring)
Sudden loud sounds increase symptoms of vertigo, dizziness, or imbalance

Cognitive and psychological
▪ Difficulty concentrating and paying attention
▪ Forgetfulness and short-term memory lapses
▪ Confusion, disorientation, difficulty comprehending directions or instructions
▪ Difficulty following speakers in conversations, meetings, etc., especially when there is background
noise or movement
▪ Mental and/or physical fatigue out of proportion to activity
▪ Loss of self-reliance, self-confidence, self-esteem
▪ Anxiety, panic

Other ( These luckily don't really effect me except for mild headaches)
▪ Nausea or vomiting
▪ "Hangover" or "seasick" feeling in the head
▪ Motion sickness
▪ Ear pain
▪ Sensation of fullness in the ears
▪ Sensitivity to pressure or temperature changes and wind currents

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