Monday, 29 July 2013


Today has been one of those very rare less dizzy days for me. If only my symptoms would stay at this level instead of going back to the very uncomfortable disorientation that I have had to deal with for so long.  It just goes to show that my brain or whatever is causing the vertigo can actually improve albeit a very rare occasion. Sure, I do not feel normal but days like this are a massive improvement and make my life much easier. How good it feels to see the world clearly instead of through fuzzy vision. What a pleasure it is to walk and not feel the intense sensation of the floor moving up and down or slipping from beneath me. What a delight it is to walk and not see buildings sway left and right or for parked cars to not appear to move in my peripheral vision etc. What a crazy illness!

I really do not know how the hell I have managed to cope with this life altering condition for so long. Better days like this I do not take for granted.

I have had a handful of days like today during the last 12-15 months and they give me hope and lead me to believe that I will eventually get better. I just wish that day would hurry up and appear.


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